Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mirror Mirror On The Wall…

Wrong fairy tail. So is the one I’m writing about but that’s ok. Lol

I’m introducing Tom Keifer from Cinderella this weekend at the APA National IEBA convention, to name a few awesome acts. It’s funny because I loved Cinderella growing up. I think the magic of the 80’s rubbed off on me when I wanted to be called “Goldy Locks” People called me that anyway. I had  golden hair , I broke in to people’s homes usually looking for food, and I really liked poridge! I wasn’t that far off. J

So many supposed “experts” in the business always told me to change my name, or "why do you all yourself that?" Or… lol. Just get over it would you?

Now if you Google Goldy Locks, a ton of female fronted bands come up, rappers and artists alike. I was doing it way before it was cool people… simmer down. In fact my record company at the time of my deal spent over 300k on copywriting that name. Wow… where are those budgets these days?

No matter what anyone said, I stayed my course & stuck to my guns. I had a vision and I wasn’t about to let anyone get in the way. I was doing it the way I planned.

When you have a goal, you have all the visions, the “extended forecast” in your head. And unless someone is paying for them, or investing, or honestly trying to give constructive criticism, then they really need to shut up. Most just speak to hear themselves talk. That’s it. Remember than the next time someone is on your case when they don’t have all the facts.

All those years of people telling me differently… Ha ha. Google me now. I’m glad I kept my name!J

Years of efforts come up and I plan on continuing until I die.

This weekend “Goldy” gets to introduce “Cinderella” complete in a size 18 dress she bought & altered herself at the Goodwill for $14.99. Not too bad. No one will ever know. Our secret… -Goldy Knows.

#IEBAconference #hannahgarber

Sunday, October 13, 2013

MY NEW TV SHOW Goldy Knows!

Goldy Knows!
The New Reality/Talk Show

This is an email to say thank you to those of you who continue to receive my emails. I appreciate you.

Short & simple, the show is going really well. So many people LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE & POST. It drives the numbers up and it is really helping me and my co host Miss Jasmine Cain tremendously! We can't thank you enough. Even if you just view it, thank you. 

If you follow on, Or LIKE,you will see that in every episode there are trivia games where my guests give away $$, prizes and custom autographed SWAG! And since I know some pretty cool peeps, that means pretty awesome FREE stuff for you! All you have to do is follow along and play.

One contest is $100 cash prize, Chris Henderson (3 Doors Down) Swag and an order of their @luvyouhealth bars that are not only good to eat, but GREAT for you too.

Mention "Goldy" in your online purchase & receive 15% off your order for a limited time. If you've ever wanted to eat right, try these bars out. They are organic and vegan and Chris himself lost 100 with his new lifestyle. It works!!

There are more contests I will be emailing you about. And the second episode of Goldy Knows is in the shooting & editing process. I think you will be surprised at our next guests and entertained.

If you haven't already, please just watch the show. Click on it & let it run while you're in the shower! Just give us a view! And if you can comment on the actual YouTube page, all the better.
Thank you again for just being out there. You keep me going. :-)

- Goldy Knows

It's like The Man Show, Jack Ass, Tom Green and Tosh.0. Hosted by a Blue Collar Martha Stewart / Rock'N Roll Rachael Ray!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Grabbin Some A$$

I had a woman come up to me at the show in GA. She was beautiful. I’ve seen her before. She’s always the life of the party and the star of the room. She has dance moves that would light even a soggy pile of kindle on fire. Her smile lights up that strand of tangled Christmas tree lights you through out because you couldn’t find the burnt out bulb. I always love seeing her, but this time even more.

She shared with me why she’s always so happy. “I’ve been married 30 years and the SEX is amazing still! Always has been and still is!” she proclaimed. I was so happy to hear for once, finally, a relationship where people were still in lust. “He wanted some tonight before I left but I told him I needed to go see Goldy lockS and didn’t want to be late!” Honored was I…

“We do our own thing. He’s quiet, I’m not! He likes to stay in, I love to go out! But I always invite him…” You could tell there was mutual respect, trust and love in this union. And I was digging it. It really does exist. I see the worst and the best of it late night in the clubs… but true love is out there. And I celebrate that.

I have another friend. I work with her. This is the only friend I allow to just hang up the phone on me. Her husband is in music, has crazy hours, so when he calls, I get dropped like a hot potato and all I can do is smile.

She can’t wait to tell me when they escape to “do it” and how excited she is when she finds out that tour bus is rolling in. I watch her social media posts and I’m also friends with her husband so I see how much he loves his family and adores his wife. And again, I’m digging it.

I knew he was coming home today. And I called just to say have fun & enjoy, and my friend was busy putting the finishing touches on her make up. After 2 kids and 8 years of marriage, she still wants to look her best, attractive and HOT for her man. I listen to these blue prints and store them as a mental manual for when I may need them. J

I once dated a rock star with famous parents and grand parents. To keep that anonymity I won’t say whom, but I will give you the gist of something he once told me. His grand parents were on TV. And they lived that “fairy tail” life, or so it appeared. I asked if it was true or a sham and he told me, “I’ve never seen two people more in love…” And he also shared a quote his very famous grandmother told him. She would listen to him complain about his unhappy & unhealthy relationships and offered this bit of epic advice…

“If there’s too much fighten and not enough f@#ckin, then it’s time to go!”

Lol… from a grandma never the less. Words I live by today.

The fairy tails do exist. And just because you’re in a long term relationship, doesn’t mean it can’t stay hot. Look at your partner today, and realize, remember why you were attracted to them in the first place. Savor it. Think about it. And do something to really let them know you still think they’re hot. And when no one’s lookin? Or even if they are, give them a good old fashioned ass grab. I promise it will make for a good night. J 
- Goldy Knows

 And to quote a priest who once told me something that would shape me, my life and opinions for all life forms...

"My child, everyone has the right to love and be loved..."

Words to live by. Peace, Goldy

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Promise

I made a promise to my mother about 6 months ago . She was sick and we were speaking about her funeral arrangements. She wasn't happy to talk about this at all as you can imagine. Some older people are more comfortable with death than others. My mom was not. Even throughout her sickness, she never complained. She celebrated life. When I asked her what made her the saddest about death she responded, “Because I can’t take you with me.”

She wanted two songs played at her funeral, amazing grace and How Great Thou Art. She said under a quiet breath, "I know you could not sing them, but if someone would, that be so nice." I looked her in the eyes and said “of course I will do that for you. I will sing them mom.” She broke out sobbing and said “would you really?” “Of course I will, it would be my honor."

That's a promise that I made my mom. At the time I thought I could do it, but when the actual ceremony came around I was a mess. But I promised. The art of keeping a promise is a dying one. A promise is about someone else. It's not about whether you feel like doing something or not, it's just what you do.

I may not have a lot of money these days, but I'm a person of my word. Actually, I'm a man of my word. And if you get that, then you get me. And that even at this “venue” I wasn’t going to wear my damn shoes. :-). Some of you will get that. :-)

The church was filled with my mother’s hats. That’s what she would have wanted. Everyone wore a hat or one of hers. 

And for all of you who took time last month to write her a letter via social media pages, she asked to buried with them all. And she was. Several were tucked away by her arms and hands, and the rest were placed at the end of her casket. 

You people matter to me and you obviously mattered to my mother. Some of you I’ve never even met let alone you met my mom. I just wanted you to know, that late Sunday night I asked you that favor, it made a huge impact in someone’s life. Both mine and my mothers.

Thank you for touching this Rocker and very sick old woman’s life. Here is my final prayer for my mother. A tribute. I tried to express it in song. Watch if you will.

Please watch the link below.