Monday, June 10, 2013

Makin out in the rain

Have you ever done it? Just sat there as the rain pounded down and let your hair get wet, clothes turn a different color and held the face of someone you were hot for? When you hold them and get close and let them wrap their arms around you if feels differently. It feels like you’re almost breaking the law or beating the odds. I think it only adds to the experience.

So many people are afraid or irritated by the rain. You see them scampering from their cars to the store, makin that “rain” face. Where you squint your eyes & raise your eyebrows thinking somehow that’s going to keep you dry? It’s rain not acid! And you’re not a witch! You’ll be ok!

Women seem to just freak out like maybe their real identity will be exposed! I’ve always loved the rain. I remember a date I was on, we went for a walk outside a restaurant, found a big boulder by the river & just sat and talked. Ah hem… well, sometimes talking leads to other things. Needless to say, it started to rain and I asked if we could just stay. He said why not.  I knew I had a change of clothes in the car and it wasn’t too cold out. So what’s the harm?

It felt amazing and so did the affection of that severely perfectly cool & calm man. I felt protected sitting there in his arms. And when it got too bad out we picked up and quietly walked back to our cars. My shoes we off, what’s new. And I walked through puddles and mud without a care in the world. He noticed that and commented on that fact. My date said, “you know I love that about you? That you don’t care. You’re easy going and I know you won’t be upset if things get a little messy.”

I learned the art of getting messy when I was 8. I figured it out the hard way when I was eight years old in a beauty pageant. Yup, did that, been there… lol. I didn’t fit in that world! But it was a chance to sing in front of LARGE crowds and bring the house down. And I did. Every time. My hair was long & I didn’t have the make up on the other girls did, but I could sing. And I could get dirty. And that’s the ticket I used to usually win. And the world can learn from that so let me share.

I was walking to a competition. It was raining. The girls were crying and fussing about their hair. I didn’t care. I would have stayed out and played all day in that mess. But on the way I tripped and fell. Face first in the black mud. My little powder blue jumpsuit and me… were covered. The girls laughed and pointed at me. I think? I think a few got the bird. I recall getting reprimanded about it. What are you going to do? Lol.

I walked on stage for judging without flinching. I had a job to do and I was gonna do it. And I won. I almost always won. Not because I was the prettiest, tallest, best dressed or most talented, but because in my mind I already won. Showing up is 99% of success, but believing you already have won, I have found to be 100% of success.

I was to shoot this couple’s wedding. The girl was plain and simple…a bitch. I could tell she was right out of the gate. But show me the money. Horrible budget, but I’ll work over not. So I took it. She saw photos of another couple and wanted THOSE! I said, honey, THOSE were very special circumstances. Beautiful people, beautiful attitudes, love, and vibe… she couldn’t get that result if she tried.

Needless to say it rained the day of her wedding. Just like the couple’s weeding I shot. But the couple I shot, who were African American, or as I referred to them, “Black & Hot!” didn’t even see the rain. They saw only each other. The look in this couples eyes still sends chills down my spine. I saw it. I saw it in real time, and I saw it in their photos.

It’s not worth spending time talking about the other bitch. Physically, her outer appearance was flawless. She was probably the most “beautiful” by societie’s standards I’ve even shot. But here ever so ugly soul got in the way of it all. Her photos looked like a crabby new bride trudging through the water. No magic. Just a snot nosed princess wanna be. She didn’t embrace the rain. She would never understand.

The next time it’s “raining” or even metaphorically speaking, “you’re caught in the rain” don’t worry. Picture yourself on a bolder by the river, making out with the person of your dreams. Feeling like nothing in the world will harm you or stop you from doing what ever it is you want to do. Don’t make the “rain” face! Tilt your head back open your mouth and let it fall on your tongue. Smile. Enjoy the elements and what life brings you. Take a moment to realize you are alive and you have the chance and opportunity every day to live an incredible life or change the one you have into one. I do it daily. And it seems to work for me. So I thought I’d share.

The next time it rains, grab someone you love or even know just a little! Pull them out into the water and plant one on em! You either will have the best kiss ever or a slap in the face! Either way, you’ll have a memory. And no one can ever take that away from you.

Celebrate the rain and celebrate you’re life. Always remember that you’re beautiful.

Photography courtesy of ME!

PS. This is the actual shot I took sitting on that boulder. And I want you to remember, sometimes it truly is darkest before the dawn. And even if you ever feel lonely, disheartened or frustrated with circumstances in your life, if you try… your life will change. Keep a positive outlook. And remember as noted in the book/movie “The Secret,” sometimes the seeds you have been planting are right under the surface ready to break through. So let them. Don’t give up. Your time to shine is coming. Just give it the chance.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

One night stands

The ones that hurt the most are the ones where you meet someone and have that… connection, that… spark. You’re thinking exciting thoughts, you’re thinking about the future, words are exchanged and dreams are shared. Sometimes you are intimate and then comes the unfortunate. The disappearing act.

I’ve done it and had it “done” to me. It’s funny, because for a long time I thought, can there be a more icky feeling? Having someone basically reject or abandon you feels pretty bad. Up until now, I thought that was the worst feeling ever, but I’ve recently had something beat that.

The ironic thing about someone rejecting you, is have you ever noticed, you start looking at your phone every other minute of the day? You look to see if you have a missed call or text. And then it happens. You do! But it’s from a really good friend or some other person reaches out. And the irony is you get mad about it. At least I do. I actually caught myself frowning as some other friend called to say something kind. But because it wasn’t the person I was hoping to hear from, I got pissed, angry and frustrated.

That’s not cool and it’s not healthy. And I’ve trained myself to move on and not give a …. But something I’ve noticed that’s worse than that feeling, is doing something amazing for someone and not having them even acknowledge it. Not even a thank you.

I had some really important meetings a while back. They were life-changing opportunities that I wanted to seize. There were so many powerful people that I had the chance to impress. And I actually did. So I wanted to take it to the next level and send thank you gifts like they had never seen. A brilliant concoction of personal gifts they would always remember.

I tracked the Fed Ex, knew they received them and waited. But as in most meetings in my life, there is no Oz. There is just a series of more meetings you go to usually to run into someone saying… “You really need to just do your own…” Lol. Sure. I knew that.

I didn’t have the money to send what I did in the first place. But I knew it had to be done. Even my father understood my reasoning. He said, “Sometimes you just have to put on airs Mooner…” The funny thing was, out of everything sent only one person stopped to say thank you. A month later, one more person did. But the others, no dice. Not even a peep.

So instead of getting mad, or getting irritated at the good people in my of who remember to support, honor and thank me, tonight, I thank you.

You know those tile necklaces I’ve been promoting online? So many of you have ordered them and it’s helping me tremendously. So many of you don’t have a fricken pot to piss in, yet you order my items to help me fund my new show.

I aint mad at that! And I aint mad at you. Yesterday 13 of you privately emailed me, saying thanks. Thanking me for sending you product you paid for. You took the time. You were grateful and gracious and full of joy. And those people who I sent lavish & expensive gifts to? They can’t say anything? Can’t take a minute to email me? Lol. It’s not like it’s hard to find me… I kind of put myself out there.

Those of you who have chosen to help me; I’ll always remember you. And when I get things going on a grander level, I will find you. And you will be repaid. And that’s a promise. And I don’t break my promises. I’m just not wired that way.

Know that I’m the real deal. And I REALLY appreciate you and your support. There is no manager or agent writing this, or keeping up with my social media. I do it. Because I care.

Thank you again for all of you out there who continue to help and support me. I absolutely love you. Goldy

PS, for anyone wanting to help support my new show, Goldy Knows, You can order Tiles here. All proceeds go directly to editing the first show. Get one for you, a friend a simple gift that is custom, unique and made by me!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dead singers & LOUD ringers in my house!

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve heard things others didn’t. I kind of accepted it as “normal” but I soon learned it was not. I also learned to keep my big trap shut because people think I’m weird enough as it is!

I noticed it got worse the older I got, and the more “plays” I was in the more "visitors" I would receive. I spent a lot of time in the theater, which meant long hours even after practice, straitening up the closets, hanging up costumes and putting away props. I always felt like I was being watched and I usually was.

I have years full of stories, but tonight I share one from last week. Because the same thing has been happening a lot as of late.

I renovated an old hospital. Yup. I live in an old hospital. And ever since the day I moved in there are many other “residents” as my aunt Pat like to call them, who just stop on by. J

This is my building!

They stop by during my photo shoots, rehearsals and recording sessions. Or just whenever they damn well please! Some clients see them, some of my friends feel them, and one ghost taps men on the left shoulder! But most of my spirits are heard. Oh let me tell you… they are heard.

My aunt asked me the other day if they ever bother me. For the most part, they are pretty cool. Good positive vibes here. I do have a few more stories to tell, but I will save them for another time. :-)

Last week we were recording in the studio. My friend and drummer was going to town when the engineer and I just looked at each other. J We looked around, looked at the drummer, then back at each other. Then back at the drummer.

We waited until the last crash rang out, and then went back to the spot my friend pointed to on the screen. About a minute into the song. The wave forms changed, got fatter and thicker & spiked. We both knew what it was.

After soloing the track and placing an EQ on it, it was pretty clear, that again, we weren’t alone.

You see, my whole life, since I was about three, I have been haunted by… SINGERS! Lol. And there are MANY in my building. 20 people died hear years ago and many since. IT’s a popular place what can I say. J

This ghost was just wailin away! She, yes SHE was bound and determined to be heard. So we listened many times in enchantment and I told her she did a really great job. This just happens all the time. It has for years. I’m blessed to always get the singers… lol. Among many, but ALWAYS I get the singers.

So the next time you buy a Goldy lockS song on iTunes (God another shameless plug!) tale a really good listen. There may be a few more voices on those songs than you bargained for. J

This particular ghost will make her debut on the first ever Goldy Knows TV sound track. Look for the song, “Sometimes.” She’s on it. Loud and clear.

You can think this blog is BS, but many of you reading have been here, seen and heard for yourselves. To think we are the only peeps on the planet, well YOU are the crazy ones! If you ever have any doubt, spend a day here... I promise you will leave singing. Everyone else seems to have. XX00 Goldy