Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Vagina

Funny how that headline turns heads.  I knew it would, so that’s why I used that as a way to get people’s attention on different social media pages today.

What’s that mean? My headline? I’ll get to it.

So many people praise me by saying, “You actually answer emails!” I’m a C level public figure? Lol. D? B? Who knows! I have a lot of people who follow me though, and read what I write. So I guess that counts for something. But for as often as people DAMN celebrities for being “inaccessible”… can you really blame them? I mean, you should see what just Little Ole Me gets daily, weekly and monthly for some serious crap. I’m inundated.

I’m a human being with feelings. And while some of the letters and emails I get are remarkable, beautiful, touching, moving, powerful and delightful, some are just plain and simple shit.  My dad used to always say, “Moon, shit in…shit out” Meaning what you put in your body, mind and soul should be good. He’d let me watch those scary movies, but then never feel bad when I had nightmares. I’m starting finally to see the points he was trying to teach me.

I post a lot of things on Facebook, in blogs, & on Twitter. I’m about as real, raw & gritty as they come. But do you know what it’s like to have to truly sensor every stupid common word you use? Here, in a text, an email? God forbid I tell someone “I can “come by later…” Because I’ll get some dirty sick comeback about “cum”ing by.  I don’t care who it’s from, it always takes a turn for the worse. These are people in the community you would never suspect. Yet they think it’s ok to act a certain way with me. I have more married men that just get grosser than gross. Why are you married? I know if you were my dad I’d pick up on it.  And I’d have more respect for you if you weren’t around. Because that’s disrespectful to your wife and your family.

I’m not talking about playful banter, or a few goofy sexual innuendos.  That’s part of life and I have a great time with many of you. Some of you are even women. And you’re funny, foul and everything in-between. I enjoy my lesbian groups of people I converse with. You all always seem to keep it real yet respectful. Y’all rarely cross the line and I thank you.

I post many times, “Dinner On Me!” to which someone always has to chime in with “really! I get to eat dinner off you? I can eat right off your body!!!” Really? Really you pathetic horney jackass? Was that necessary? I just offered to buy you a gift card to enjoy a meal. On my dime. When so many artists, bands and public figures just say “Vote For ME!” or “give me money!” I ask you to do things for  me and then give out rewards for your efforts the best way I can. Who does that? I mean really? Who does that? I don’t have sponsorship dollars yet. That money is out of MY pocket. I give up things you wouldn’t imagine to pursue my goals in entertainment and to try & show my appreciation in return for helping.

These shows I come do? Do you think I’m really bank rolling on them? When people don’t show up, and advertising has gone in, I take a bath. Sure, my band mates ALWAYS get paid. Buy I don’t. Ask any independent artist. I do this, because I love it. And you have no idea the platforms I support or help out. Even if it means I give up something like… electricity or water for a few days. I’ll f’n do it, because I said I would. I have passion and I believe in life, programs and people.

How many shows and photo dates get canceled on me for stupid lazy people reasons? I don’t bitch, you don’t hear a word. I pay my people and go without many things I need. I have a goal, a vision and anything GREAT costs. It takes time and a ton of dedication, hard work, effort, sacrifice. So the next time your husband is working late, and you truly “know where he is” you give him the biggest kiss or (other things) that you can possibly imagine when he walks through the door finally. Don’t bitch and complain, because there’s always someone in the family bread winning. Support and praise them.

Cause that dude is pretty much me! Lol. And I’m not saying there aren’t amazing women out there “bringin it home.” I know you are. My point is CELEBRATE! SUPPORT! Give thanks and praise. Have some damn RESPECT for me when you write me and save the sicko crap cause I’m over it.

I’m over the people who hide behind God and their “beliefs” praising “Jesus” and then acting like a hypercritical asshole. It’s called “Passive Aggressiveness”. And you’ll see it a lot on my personal page. People will use “Jesus” and his “word” to try and make their own points. To try and burry, or embarrass me or put me down.

Guess what jackasses. That’s not the “Jesus” I was taught to know. In fact, I think he would be the one “embarrassed” by how some of you act. Respect. Have some. Don’t hide behind your churches, religions and fake ass beliefs with me, cause you will fall on deaf ears.

The theme song to my new show Goldy Knows is called “Sometimes”. And a line from that song is, “You can’t hold me back, because I’m out of control. If it seems like I’m fine cause I hold back my pride, there’s something that you should know." Also, "I’m a dangerous thang cause you don’t know the things that I hide…”

Don’t mess with me. You don’t know what I’ve been through. I never talk about it. I just do motivational tours where I try & help and inspire others with out REALLY going into my past. But I will say again, don’t mess with me. Because honestly? I don’t care. I don’t care about gross people and assholes. I care about the great people who find me daily. I REALLY do care about you, your problems, your kids, your family’s and your lives. If I didn’t I wouldn’t spend hours each week responding to you all. I care.

I bet most people don’t know I’ve had to deal with years of abuse. It’s in the past and you NEVER hear me speak of it. Because I refuse to be considered a “victim”. I’m over it, I’m ok and it’s better served time to hear & listen to those who are not. Some people really need to be heard. So we concentrate on them. Instead I listen to you all and try the best ways I can to offer some ideas or a solution. 

I bet none of you know I had it made for a long time. I had that life only people can dream of. And in one week I lost everything. Record deal, publishing, a hit TV series, my income, my house and I watched the bank take my car. I fell completely flat on my face, had the IRS come after me when I was NOT even in the wrong. But due to a fluke and no money to defend myself, I lost everything. I went bankrupt. I fell hard and had to live with nothing for 3 and half years.

I cleaned homes and sometimes shoveled out human excrement from abandoned buildings and grain storage units. For 3 and half years. I lived in shit holes, and I worked sometimes 90 hours a week physical labor to try & pay off some debt that wasn’t even mine. I lent 30,000 dollars to some people in need. Which was supposed to be paid in full within 30 – 60 days tops. By the end of the loan I had occurred 130,000 worth of debt because the people I lent the money too, spent it on cocaine and other drugs. But I tried my best to make good on that debt.

Don’t mess with me. Don’t even think of trying. As much as I’d love to call you filthy pathetic lack of human beings out here, I’m going to just ask that you don’t email me again. Don’t post your dirty crap on my posts and just stop disrespecting women in general.

I’m no role model, I’m not politically correct, I don’t have degrees, but I am the most “real” person you will even encounter. And I deserve some respect for that. I enjoy the funny banter; stupid sexual innuendos some of you throw out there, your crazy stories, opinions and view points. Let them continue. You people know who you are and don’t make me go postal on you who abuse your online privileges.

I’m selling these Tile Necklaces.  I post them EVERY day. Lol. Here’s the link.

The tiles here were given as gifts, not sold. I do not own the copy rights. They are just merely used as an example that you can have any photo of your pet, child, loved one, object… sky is the limit. You send me a photo, I create it.

Can I say THANK YOU again to the BEAUTIFUL people who have either bought or constantly support you! You lift me up, you inspire me by your never-ending kindness you give me the reasons and hope to continue on my path. But there is a flip side to all of that, as the world need balance and so incoming on the crap.

Every day someone emails me saying they will order “many” items if I say, “meet them?” Let them come over? Meet them for dinner to discuss their “order”. People say they will only order if they have my phone number to call or confirm? Really? Why don’t I just send you a personal photo of my uterus? You can just put your order there! What do you say Bill? Pathetic… "I don't need to talk to you Jerky!" "Get Bret Weir I said!"

I have an online store that has been secure and operating for 12 years. Yup. I think that’s legit enough. Rather you dangle carrots in front of me, promising me support if I “play ball.”

The same way that some venue owners, manager’s or people in charge of payment pressure me into giving them oral sex to receive my payment. I do my job. I sing and entertain and them I’m stuck at the end of the night with this kind of crap. And you wonder why I’m prone to kicking the crap out of people. How do you think I get paid? Do you think it will help to expose these folks? Tell my booking agent? I did a few times, and am no longer welcome at that venue. This hurts my income and my bands income. So I have a plan. That’s to do this new TV/Reality show and gain momentum that way. I can do some really great things for people…

So when you promise me orders but then it come with strings, you are just as bad as the venue people I sometimes must deal with.

I currently am selling these tiles to raise money. I’m not asking for donations, I’m not asking for a handout. I’m saying buy something that you would like, that would make you smile or make a friend smile. We buy cookies and candy bars all the time. And that’s great. But those will be digested in a matter of hours. My products are made to last a lifetime and they are made by hand, by me. So don’t email me dirty crap because it taints my product.

Do you know why I’ve been posting so much about ordering? Well maybe this will shed some light. The first YouTube episode of Goldy Knows is very funny, edgy, silly, crazy and has a lot of innuendos in it. I wanted people to laugh. It’s very Time Green, Man Show, Tosh.O… Chelsea Handler style entertainment. Will my dad like all of it? Lol…. No. Probably not. Will college boys? I hope so…

The second episode though, is a complete 180. As all of the shows will be. To demonstrate how life is diverse and constantly changes. Just like we do. I have been pushing the hell out of my products to raise the money to do something wonderful for a handicapped child who is being bullied at school. I and some kind people in the community are going to do something that she will never forget. It will bring her joy and build confidence. So that’s why I keep asking you to buy my stuff. So don’t mess me. Get it?

There is also a section of the show dedicated to domestic violence and doing something cool for someone who has spent their life getting the crap beat out of her. Do you even know what that would be like? To have your children witness this? To have your self-esteem be so shaken you don’t even know how to act? Who to trust?

I work with the YWCA on some projects that raise money for these women to help them when they finally run away from this hell. They are completely on their own. I found one woman who lives in a tiny little apartment. And I want to redo her bedroom. We want to paint and build some things, get her a few new items that will transform this dingy little room she shares with her children, into something beautiful and tranquil and give her a new start.

So there assholes. You with your strings attached. That’s what I’m trying to do with the money I’m raising. So stop contaminating my inbox with your smut.

Since I even posted that I was going to “out” some of you tonight, over 50 people in 35 minutes privately emailed me on Facebook, apologizing, pleading and asking me not to say anything about the “words’ They have chosen to say to me in the past. Try just being cool and respectful right out of the gate. How about you just don’t say any creepy words in the first place? Don’t do it again. Don’t mess with me. Because you don’t know my life or me.

Respect all human beings. Be kind. Listen. Offer a helping hand when you can. Treat the women in your life like the most precious daughter you’ve ever had or could conceive. Women are beautiful and needed creatures to keep this planet going. Respect them.

For those of you who emailed me, I don’t have time for you tonight. I’m meeting with some people to get items to do this next episode of Goldy Knows and hopefully bring a smile to some faces. I need people who have connections with home improvement and decorating stores.  Those of you who chose already to support, by ordering, coming to shows, sharing and LIKEing my posts, know you are a part of something pretty bad ass & awesome I’m trying to do. J

Those of you who would like to contribute? It would completely help me out. There are some cool and important things to do, and I'm not going to let a lack of funding stop me. We're going to do some really special things for special people. And do some really stupid stuff too. It will all be worth it, make you smile and laugh one way or another I promise. If you want to support, it’s easy. Just go here:

Or here!

Or here!


I have 37 people’s names sitting here in Excel. I keep track of you all. Someone just posted on FB, I bet you won't do it. I don't even need to now. So many already found me. I've already emailed back many of the repeat offenders privately today. My work is pretty much done here without even having to do anything. And as much as I’d like to just roast the crap out of the rest of them right now, that’s at least 45 min I’d rather use to do something good. Some of you already emailed me. Heed this word. I’m not afraid of anyone or anything. I never have been. I’ve lost everything, endured some serious abuse and spent hot summer days shoveling out human feces. I’ve scrubbed floors in some of the finest Brentwood homes in TN, only to see myself in the background on TV on some rerun.  I’ve been humiliated many times beyond compare in my life. I know darkness and despair. And it’s the greatest thing that could have ever happened to me. Because I know all walks of life and how they live. I have lived it. And with that comes a freedom and liberation you will never understand. But I do. And it makes me 1000% fearless. So don’t F with me again.

I thank Jeff Sisneros, Cory Burton, Greg Pelham, Terry Maples, John Saxon, TriSket Landho, Bob McGough, Dave Courtney, Carlton Blackledge, Tim Winters, Jason Dumas, Doug Mayes, Scott Sims Saunders, Steven Sanders, Tom Felix, Jeremy Wade Sparks, Rick Pruitt, Shawn Hendrix and John W. HansIII to name of few for always treating me with incredible online respect. You all are the epitome of what a gentleman should be.

Thank you to the people in my life, at shows, on social media pages who are amazing. The fact I have to self fund this whole thing, and you’re helping me, means more than if some network or investor just came along and dumped money into it. I’m doing it the REAL way. And it’s because of you.

A very sincere… God Bless You All.

Goldy XXOO

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who Is Goldy Locks?

This video piece I am posting was never intended to be seen by anyone but my agents, agency & producers in Los Angeles. But after last night, and how extremely pissed off I got, I’m posting it. So watch it, all of it, before people on here waste my time with the most stupid questions I’ve ever received.

I wasn’t trying to act “popular” last night. And? I actually DO love when the people who know me and my peers RAZ me & heckle me on my posts. But that’s just it. You know me, or I’ve met you, know of you. I don’t need complete a hole strangers finding me on my personal media pages & criticizing me, beating me up… and asking the most STUPID things I’ve ever heard. Again, people who know me? Bring it! I love your banter, opinions and comments. The rest of the people who find me can kiss my arse…

If you have to ask me, “Do you sing?” “Are you in wrestling?” “blab la bla…Who are you? Why are you even ON my page!

I am posting this video. As I said, it’s not meant for anyone else than my industry peeps getting me work. I was asked to “describe myself and what I do…” lol… Good Lord… My good friend and publicist told me, “You’re like a Big Juicy Cocktail!” So just make a big DRINK! Dress like a cocktail waitress & tell em what you do!”

Well, my “costume” is a little chesty! So save your comments on that, and look at the content. What REALLY tanned my hide last night, is I have young people who find me late at night. Some of you don’t realize that I speak in schools during the day. I talk to sometimes 15,000 children a week. You probably didn’t know that.

Do I show up with my guy liner & show club attire on? Nope. A simple D.A.R.E. T-shirt & a ponytail. No make up. Just a REAL message. You see, while I dwell in bars, pool halls and some real dives, I’ve never done a drug or really drank in my life. You can do your thing, and I would never judge you, but some of these kids need to know that it’s not just OK to say “No” in Jr. High, but in life.

“No” to chemical substances, “No” to abusive relationships and friendships, “No” to situations that leave them feeling compromised and just “No” to having to put up with BS that life sometimes brings your way. You can always say “No.” Hell, I do it every day…

There are “code words” that are decided when I speak at children’s chemical & adult chemical dependency centers. That’s right. Words that when put in the subject line alert me or the 4 people who help me answer emails, that something is wrong and it needs to be addressed.  That I need to help get them to a professional, teacher or counselor to make sure they keep a clear head about themselves.

Last night I had several young people I was talking to. They shouldn’t even be on my personal and very “adult” FB page. It’s for adults to carry on as we do, without censorship or hesitation, to vent, rant & strictly “tell it like it is.” If a child is to find me there though, then they are FIRST AND FORMOST priority. And they get ALL of my attention. Some of you absolutely disgusted me last night when I kindly & politely said, “yes, I’m online, but busy with something important.”

It was all about you though.  And you need to check yourself. Don’t bother me again when I’m trying to help someone. Especially a young adult. I’m no role model, so save calling me one. I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I’m a Pro Wrestling personality, who rocks stages at night & happens to talk to kids during the day. I swear like a sailor but lead a completely healthy lifestyle and eat cleaner than most you’ve ever seen. Role model? Lol… not really. “Real model?” Yup. But I’m a walking contradiction and I like it that way. Why? Because I catch the flies that need the “talking” to. No “perfect Sally Made sweet politically correct speaking motivational speaker ever really gets through to the ones that need it. J. You need to SPEAK the language of these kids who are headed the wrong way. And let them know how to choose something better.

I’m posting this video now. So next time you see me online, please reach out. But with intelligence, confidence and valor. If I say I’m busy talking to a kid or someone who needs my damn attention, then shut up. Don’t blow me up asking what color panties I’m wearing.  Cause if you do? I’ll just make time in the morning to find your wife or girlfriend online and copy and paste your thread. And that will be MY entertainment. Rockers need to smile too.

How is it you say it in the South? J Oh, yes, have a blessed day.

To the people who took the time read this, support me, the band, my projects, understand my sarcasm and humor, honestly, God bless you. I love and adore you, and you know that’s legit.

Peace & have a wonderful day. Goldy